Selasa, 06 September 2016

Fungsi Shalalist di dalam URL Filter di IPCop

Shalla's Blacklists is a collection of URL lists grouped into several categories intended for the usage with URL filters like SquidGuard or Dansguardian. But the usage is not limited to this. Some people use the lists to include them (that is parts of them) into their Squid installation without using a redirector or other webfilters or use them for their IPCop or IPFire installation.

Right now the lists has jumped over 1.7 million entries. Once a night the lists are packed and transferred on this server for download. Please don't fetch the lists more than once a day - there is simply no benefit in this. Excessive downloads will be blocked.

Shalla's Blacklists are free of charge for personal and partly for commercial usage. Anyway, commercial usage requires signing a usage contract. See our licence for details. Please contact info (at) for information about gaining this contract.
Exception: If you plan to sell the lists or include them into a commercial software package you must obtain a written contract with Shalla Secure Services. The costs depend on the product.
Many people contributed to this lists. We are of the opinion that if free blacklists are used commercially the community who contributed to the lists for free should get something back: corrections and addons. That's just fair, isn't it?! ;-)

Two notes:
1.) The shallalist server experienced some outages between March 14th and March 18th. We apologize for any inconviences. The problem have been resolved.
2.) We experience an increasing number of requests for licences and information from email address that bounce our answers. Please make sure that you are able to receive our answer. We will no longer run after each request in order to find an email address that works. Sorry, but that takes too much of our time we'd rather use for the blacklists.

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